Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Liked on YouTube: NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118 | Weight Loss Patient Andrew’s Story

NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118 | Weight Loss Patient Andrew’s Story Dallas weight loss doctor Michael Cherkassky has helped thousands of patients reach their weight loss goals. In this interview Andrew talks about starting the weight loss program and how his life has changed since losing 80 pounds.

Patient: Andrew
Starting Weight: 279lbs
Final Weight: 199lbs
Total Weight Lost: 80lbs

Q: Tell us your first name and how long you have been coming to the practice.

Ny name name is Andrew. I am from Fort Worth and I have been coming to see Dr. Cherkassky for four years.

Q: What was your first appointment like?

During my first appointment here everyone was very encouraging. I could see on the wall the results. These are like the superstars of Dr. Cherkassky’s office. I could see how his office helps people achieve their goals and their dreams. It was very encouraging.

Q: What was happening in your life that made you decide that you needed help losing weight?

My son was born and I decided that I needed to change my life, for him, my wife and for myself. I though it was important to live a lifestyle that was healthy so I could provide for my family.

Q: What else did you try before you started this program?

Working out, avoiding breads and avoiding carbs, none of that worked, obviously. When I cam in to see the doctor I was 279 pounds. I realized that none of these things worked and I needed to change.

Q: What was the first month like on this program?

This was a sharp contrast in the lifestyle that I had once the program started, compared with what was happening before. The program is intense and demanding but it has to be. That is how you get the results.

The transition from the lifestyle that I was living before to when I started the program, it was like nothing I have ever done. It was life changing.

Q: How has your desire to eat specific foods changed since you started this weight loss program?

I may like a food, but now I don’t have to avoid it completely. I just have to not eat as much of it. There are some foods that I enjoyed before that I still enjoy now, but just not as much, the quantity that is.

Q: How has your appetite changed?

My appetite is obviously reduced. I am not gorging myself all the time like I was. Before I was never hungry because I always satisfied myself. When I started this program, that is when the hunger came but it was relieved with the program.

I would start to feel some of the hunger and I take some of the Sensotherapy products and it would help me get through that hunger pain.

How much were you thinking about food before you started the program?What role did hunger play in your life?

I was constantly thinking about food. I would satisfy myself with every meal. Within a few hours I was thinking about my next meal and how I would satisfy myself like I did before. It is not like I was hungry, it was all psychological. I would often think that I had to make sure I could get a buffet or something where I was able to eat as much as possible.

That has changed. The program and what they taught me in the program gave me options that are not necessarily going to get me into trouble. They gave me lists of foods that are lower in calories that would get me through the psychological battles that I have within myself. I think it is very helpful.

Of course the coaching is also important. Whenever I have my appointments the staff is always asking me how I am doing.

When do you struggle?
What do you struggle with?

When I am thinking about food, the Sensotherapy products help get me though these periods. With this type of support I feel like I can do it and fight off those psychological urges.

Q: The program includes one meal a week that does not limit the type or amount of food that you can eat. How important has this been to your success with this program?

So when I go though my whole week, the program allows one meal during that week when I can go crazy, like my old self. It was very important because it was like I was working up to that point.

Schedule Your Dallas Weight Loss Consultation Today

For more information about the Dallas Weight Loss program call the weight loss clinic. When you call be sure to ask about the $50 discount for new patients. Call 469-434-3380.

Weight Loss Clinic: Dr. Vadim Surikov
211 East 43rd Street Suite 1704
New York NY 10017
+1 347-599-9118

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118 | Weight Loss Patient Andrew’s Story

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Andrew’s Real Weight Loss Story | NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118

Andrew’s Real Weight Loss Story | NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118 Read more on: Weight Loss Clinic}

Patient: Andrew Starting Weight: 279lbs Final Weight: 199lbs Total Weight Lost: 80lbs Maintained: Four Years

The weight Loss clinic of Dr. Vadim Surikov provides a weight loss program that has helped thousands of patients lose weight without surgery.  In this video Andrew talks about the weight loss plan and what it was like to lose 80 pounds with the weight loss program.

Tell us the length what your weight loss consultation was like.

During my first appointment here everyone was very encouraging. I could see on the wall the results. These are like the superstars of the weight loss program. I could see how his office helps people achieve their goals and their dreams. It was very encouraging.

What was occurring in your life that made you decide you wanted help slimming down?

My son came to be and I determined that I needed to alter my life, for myself and for him, my wife.

Before you began this weight loss plan what did you try?

Preventing breads, working out and preventing carbs, none of that worked, clearly. I was 279 pounds once I cam in to see the physician. I understood I needed to transform and that none of these things worked. [caption id="attachment_4187" align="aligncenter" width="700"]weight loss clinic nyc patient story andrew 01 Weight Loss Clinic NYC | 347-599-9118| Weight Loss Patient Story[/caption]

What was the first month like with this plan?

This is a sharp contrast in the lifestyle that I 'd after the plan began, compared with what was occurring before. The plan is demanding and intense but it must be. The physician consistently says that if I will be not feeling full or fighting to phone. They're going to walk me though it and perhaps alter up the plan. They're quite accommodating. They have been here for me. The transition from your lifestyle that I was living before to when the plan was began by me, it was like nothing I 've ever done. It was life altering.

How has your want to eat special foods since you began this weight loss program changed?

I don’t need to prevent it entirely, although I may enjoy a food. I only have never to eat as much of it. There are some foods that I loved that I love now, but only not as the amount that's, much.

Has your appetite changed?

My desire is clearly reduced. Like I was I will be not gorging myself all the time. I was full because I consistently pleased myself. Then the hunger came but it was alleviated with the plan as soon as I began this plan.

When you had been attempting to drop some weight before beginning on the plan you think about food? Before you began this plan what part did hunger play in your lifetime?

I was always considering food. I'd fill myself. It's not like I was not full, it was mental. I 'd frequently believe that I 'd to make sure where I managed to eat as much as possible I could get a buffet or something. That's changed. What they educated me in the plan and the plan gave me choices which are not always going to get me. I believe it's really helpful. Needless to say the training is, in addition, significant. The staff is constantly asking me how I'm doing whenever I 've my appointments. When would you fight? What can you fight with? The Sensotherapy products help get me these intervals, when I'm thinking about food. With such a support I feel like I can perform it and fight those emotional impulses off.

The plan contains one meal a week that doesn't restrict the kind or quantity of food that you could eat. How significant has this been with this plan to your success?

When I go my entire week, one meal is allowed by the plan during that week when I will go mad, like my old self. Tuesday, “Monday, Friday, that’s when I will be going to get it done. Friday I will go and have a margarita, tacos, whatever I need.” It was a target that I 'd to work for but I understood that I earned it and that it was rewarding. Afterward I 'd get on the scale and I believe that I never have totally disconnected from what I adore, the wonderful foods that I love because I've lost weight one time a week and I still get that benefit. I don’t feel like I'm missing out on much. It’s really significant. niece weight loss program discount

Schedule Your NYC Weight Loss Consultation Today

For more information about the New York City weight loss clinic of Dr. Vadim Surikov call 347-599-9118. Make sure you ask about the $50 discount for new patients when you call. Call 347-599-9118 to schedule your NYC weight loss appointment today.  

Andrew’s Real Weight Loss Story | NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118

The following blog post Andrew’s Real Weight Loss Story | NYC Weight Loss Call 347-599-9118 is available on Dr. Vadim Surikov}

Patient: Andrew
Starting Weight: 279lbs
Final Weight: 199lbs
Total Weight Lost: 80lbs
Maintained: Four Years

The weight Loss clinic of Dr. Vadim Surikov provides a weight loss program that has helped thousands of patients lose weight without surgery.  In this video Andrew talks about the weight loss plan and what it was like to lose 80 pounds with the weight loss program.

Tell us the length what your weight loss consultation was like.

During my first appointment here everyone was very encouraging. I could see on the wall the results. These are like the superstars of the weight loss program. I could see how his office helps people achieve their goals and their dreams. It was very encouraging.

What was occurring in your life that made you decide you wanted help slimming down?

My son came to be and I determined that I needed to alter my life, for myself and for him, my wife.

Before you began this weight loss plan what did you try?

Preventing breads, working out and preventing carbs, none of that worked, clearly. I was 279 pounds once I cam in to see the physician. I understood I needed to transform and that none of these things worked.

weight loss clinic nyc patient story andrew 01

Weight Loss Clinic NYC | 347-599-9118| Weight Loss Patient Story

What was the first month like with this plan?

This is a sharp contrast in the lifestyle that I ‘d after the plan began, compared with what was occurring before. The plan is demanding and intense but it must be.

The physician consistently says that if I will be not feeling full or fighting to phone. They’re going to walk me though it and perhaps alter up the plan. They’re quite accommodating. They have been here for me.

The transition from your lifestyle that I was living before to when the plan was began by me, it was like nothing I ‘ve ever done. It was life altering.

How has your want to eat special foods since you began this weight loss program changed?

I don’t need to prevent it entirely, although I may enjoy a food. I only have never to eat as much of it. There are some foods that I loved that I love now, but only not as the amount that’s, much.

Has your appetite changed?

My desire is clearly reduced. Like I was I will be not gorging myself all the time. I was full because I consistently pleased myself. Then the hunger came but it was alleviated with the plan as soon as I began this plan.

When you had been attempting to drop some weight before beginning on the plan you think about food? Before you began this plan what part did hunger play in your lifetime?

I was always considering food. I’d fill myself. It’s not like I was not full, it was mental. I ‘d frequently believe that I ‘d to make sure where I managed to eat as much as possible I could get a buffet or something.

That’s changed. What they educated me in the plan and the plan gave me choices which are not always going to get me. I believe it’s really helpful.

Needless to say the training is, in addition, significant. The staff is constantly asking me how I’m doing whenever I ‘ve my appointments.

When would you fight?
What can you fight with?

The Sensotherapy products help get me these intervals, when I’m thinking about food. With such a support I feel like I can perform it and fight those emotional impulses off.

The plan contains one meal a week that doesn’t restrict the kind or quantity of food that you could eat. How significant has this been with this plan to your success?

When I go my entire week, one meal is allowed by the plan during that week when I will go mad, like my old self.

Tuesday, “Monday, Friday, that’s when I will be going to get it done. Friday I will go and have a margarita, tacos, whatever I need.”

It was a target that I ‘d to work for but I understood that I earned it and that it was rewarding. Afterward I ‘d get on the scale and I believe that I never have totally disconnected from what I adore, the wonderful foods that I love because I’ve lost weight one time a week and I still get that benefit. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much. It’s really significant.

niece weight loss program discount

Schedule Your NYC Weight Loss Consultation Today

For more information about the New York City weight loss clinic of Dr. Vadim Surikov call 347-599-9118. Make sure you ask about the $50 discount for new patients when you call. Call 347-599-9118 to schedule your NYC weight loss appointment today.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Liked on YouTube: Does it Matter What Time of Day I Eat? | Weight Loss Questions | Dr. Vadim Surikov 347-599-9118

Does it Matter What Time of Day I Eat? | Weight Loss Questions | Dr. Vadim Surikov 347-599-9118 Dr. Surikov provides a weight loss program that includes Phentermine, for his patients that want to lose weight. In this video Dr. Surikov provides guidelines for weight loss and answers the question:

Does it matter what time of day I eat, if I want to lose weight?

A lot of us have fought with slimming down. Diet attempted after diet trying to clear the body of these annoying unwanted weight we desire might simply disappear.

You may not be unsurprised to discover that that which you consume is truly not the aspect of a diet that is successful. Even and the total amount you consume day’s time by which you consume could be much more essential. Dr. Surikov is just a weight reduction physician in New York Town that has invested a long time creating knowledge and his understanding of those activities which will make slimming down even simpler and feasible.

Could make a massive variation inside your trip toward a you while you consume throughout the day. Many reports have now been performed which have analyzed simply this, and also the answers are actually really incredible. One research performed in the San Raffaele Rome Open School was especially eye-opening. Within this research, several ladies split into two teams, as the different ladies eaten 55 percent of the calories throughout the same time the one that used 70-percent of the daily calorie consumption between lunchtime and breakfast. Each team used the remaining of the calories with supper, an evening treat, and night time snacking.

At the study’s conclusion, it had been unearthed that these ladies who used the great majority of the calories throughout the day’s earlier areas could shed ins from their midsection and much more fat compared to different team. Additionally they exhibited a wholesome metabolism than these people who consumed more throughout the night. Within the three-month trial’s period, the typical “”previously eater”” could shed about 33 percent more off pounds and their midsection than their ” eater”” alternatives.

Help weight reduction and to be able to preserve a healthy diet, Dr. Surikov suggests consuming the majority of your calories throughout the day’s early areas. About the flipside, evening and supper eating ought to not be maximal. Obtaining enough rest can also be essential because assist with digestion making slimming down easier and it helps you to increase metabolism.

Slimming down does mean that the main emphasis must be about the quantity of calories you consume significantly more than just what you consume.

His weight loss program’s wonder is the fact that individuals can consume the things they like in control. Whenever you use Dr. Surikov, he’ll enable you to create healthy diet and workout routines and certainly will offer you products when required, for example phentermine which could help suppress your hunger and maintain you from caving in your cravings to all.

Since 1989, Dr. Surikov has been dealing with individuals in New York Town who’ve long imagined experiencing a thinner, healthier system and losing the additional fat. Luckily, Dr. Surikov is just a competent physician that it is prepared and wanting to reveal his encounter using the individuals in his medical weight loss program and has completed all the study for you personally.

Doctor. Surikov requires a very comprehensive strategy which services just before starting his medical weight loss journey and includes substantial real examinations. To create his plan much more attractive, its reasonable priced for individuals and it is not difficult to follow and stay with, and that’s why a lot of of his people experience excellent benefits. to make the most of the brand new individual discount and also to plan an appointment his clinic is offered at by Dr. Surikov, provide his workplace a phone today at 347-599-9118.
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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Liked on YouTube: Phentermine Weight Loss Questions | Phentermine Weight Loss Program NYC | 347-599-9118

Phentermine Weight Loss Questions | Phentermine Weight Loss Program NYC | 347-599-9118 In this video Dr. Surikov talks about Phentermine and the reason why this is effective for many people who want to lose weight.

Along with helping his patients in New York City to confirm healthful diets and exercise customs that are successful, he also uses nutritional supplements including phentermine that have been proven to make losing weight all the more potential and to reduce hunger.

What’s Phentermine?

This medicine is a fat loss suppressant that can be obtained through prescription. It’s been understood to help control hunger when used for a brief time. Using this drug is joined with exercise routines and healthy diet.

What are the side effects from Phentermine?

Dr. Surikov makes it a point to completely teach his patients on the advantages and disadvantages of nutritional supplements he prescribes during his medical weight loss program. Before prescribing any drugs or starting any medical weight loss program with a patient, Dr. Surikov will run a comprehensive physical examination that may contain both blood tests at the same time as an indepth discussion of your medical history. You will be asked about any preexisting health conditions you may have, particularly depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other problems which could make this medicine an unwise selection. In cases like these, Dr. Surikov will assist one to locate options which will give the greatest results during your weight loss program.

As with any drug, this appetite suppressant isn’t without its side effects. Some of the most frequently reported phentermine side effects experienced contain:

– Hyperactivity and restlessness
– Head ache
– Sleeplessness
– Dry mouth
– Reduced libido or impotence

Dr. Surikov is definitely one of a kind in the New York City region. Encourage healthful slumber along with his weight loss program is focused on commanding hunger in this type of manner as to ease fat loss, making him a trailblazer in his area.

To find out more about Dr. Surikov and his method of weight reduction, do not hesitate to contact his clinic in NYC. His system is straightforward in its performance and there is no denying that Dr. Surikov is an actual specialist physician in the domain of weight reduction. He continues to be helping patients just like one to lose the weight forever and successfully.

How is the drug used?

Generally, the drug will be taken the moment you awaken each morning as a way to help control your hunger through the entire day. In situations where a complete pill either makes you overly jittery or causes one to “”over control”” your desire, you may be prescribed a lower dose or just a part of a pill. Take note that some patients have reported having their hunger return at the conclusion of the day when the drug starts to wear off. Regularly when people choose to nosh as nighttime is this could make patients starving.

Also, this suppressant continues to be known to become less effective with time, meaning that Dr. Surikov will probably prescribe the medication for briefer intervals at a time. Dr. Surikov takes a very hands on approach with his medical weight loss patients, so rest assured that you are in great hands. He’ll be happy to work with you to locate a workable option, if you experience any problems with your prescriptions.
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